The storm has gone! And new stamps are there!
I go earn all in a tour guide!
Lets start by the Dock!
Lets continue foling the tube!
To the Town!
I must fix this to earn the Contruction Stamp!
Let's continue! To the Snow Forts!
Free buckets! Lets continue to plaza!
Now the Forest!
Now the underground rooms!
Under the Disco!
Now the pool, but is more cool swim in the pool!
Look! On mine we have fishes!
Lets go enter!
Ho! Nice mashines!
Ho! I almost forget! The Water Hunt!
Start by the Stadium:
Now the Coffee Shop:
I have to get the fish to? Poor fish!
The Cove water bottle!
Now the Book Room!
On the Louge:
The Beach bucket:
Now the Dojo fish!
Evething is now!
Now earn the background!
Lets continue...
Lets go see the Dojo:
Ninja Hiddeot:
And finnaly...
...the Water Dojo!
Realy cool!
By the way! There is a new at Stage:
All new stamps earned! I hope you have enjoied!