
sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2010

Lidali first post! (find sensei, new pin, new field-ops)

I guys! Its me! Lidali! Sevalbar's little sister!
My brother let me write this post!
And i go write about I finding sensei! First, we do a run!

Them we vanish!
And then sensei has vanish! And, bye bye sensei!

Then I have note a little bug when sensei go out:

Thats no mather! The important is get the sensei stamp!

And get the new pin!

Ups! New field-ops!
What is now?

Ok! Lets go!

Now the minigame!

Yuppy! Another Field-ops solved!
I hope you have like my post!
ASS: Lidali ; )

2 comentários:

  1. Hi Sevalbar and Lidali,

    This is cool! I need to catch up on blogging! Anyway, thanks for commenting on my blog!
