There will be a Club Penguin Hallwoeen Igloo Decorating Contest on October 15-17. There is a new Better Igloos catalog coming out on October 15 to give you all the things you need for the contest. The Club Penguin Team is looking for creativity and the spookiest disings.
The Club Penguin Fifth Anniversary Party will be here on October 24th only. Of course there will be a new yearbook, a new party hat and a cake! Except there is a twist, the Fifth Club Penguin Anniversary Party will be held in the Town Center.
On October 8, Secrets of the Bamboo Forest is coming to the Stage and new postcards and a pin will be released. On October 15, a new Better Igloos furniture catalog will be released and the Halloween Igloo Decorating Contest will kick-off.
So are you going to enter for the Club Penguin Halloween Igloo Decorating Contest?
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