
segunda-feira, 29 de novembro de 2010

Card Jitsu-Water, how to play...

Card-Jitsu Water is out, and you can play the new game too! Here is a guide on how to play Card-Jitsu Water:
1. Go to the Water Dojo.
2 Talk to Sensei.
3. After he gives you the deck set, you are ready to play Card-Jitsu Water!

Here’s how it looks like when you’re playing the game:

Follow the instructions below, and you’ll be amazing at playing Card-Jitsu Water!

Want to be a legend? Earn all the 4 suits and battle Sensei!

Once you earn all these suits, battle Water Sensei, and if you win, you’re officially a Card-Jitsu Water master!

Late field-ops

Club Penguin has released their 24 Field Ops. Head to the Elite Penguin Force headquarters for your mission briefing.

We’re still on Red Alert!  Enemy programs have
damaged systems in the VR Hologram Quarters.
Travel down to the VR HQ, and find the broken
hologram  pane.  Work together to power it up.
The panel that you must  power up is the third panel under where it says ‘HQ 2005′  Waddle over to it and your Spy Phone will start to flash Green.  Click on your Spy Phone to Start the Field Op

You’ll need to guide your Microchip around the phone into the charger spots. You must be sure to avoid the static lasers around the phone or your Microchip’s battery will decrease.

Late newspaper!

Club Penguin has just released issue #247 of the Club Penguin times! As you know the newspaper is starting to be delivered every Friday now! Many new things this week including Card Jitsu Water has been released, the Water Dojo is opened, and of course there is a new piece to the amulet. Lets get started:
Club Penguin has finally released Card Jitsu Water after a year since the release of Card Jitsu Fire! Many penguins have already became a water ninja. They must be hard core Club Penguin players! Have you gotten your water ninja suit yet?
You can even earn stamps in the Card Jitsu games now too! If you play as much as I do, you have an easier chance of getting those stamps faster! Get ready to celebrate the coming of the new Card Jitsu game on December 1st. Even better a new Penguin Style is on its way to the Gift Shop, coming on December 3rd. Start earning those coins penguins!

sábado, 20 de novembro de 2010

Water Sensei training!

Hi sensei! You are doing a run? I whant to do it to!
All this train is for Card Jitsu-Water!

You whant to be our friend?

Look to other pupil of sensei:

...I think sensei vanish...

Wait, the Comm Gear! Look! That dance is so cool!

So cool!

sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2010

Sensei again!

I have found sensei again!
He is so COOL!!!

Lidali first post! (find sensei, new pin, new field-ops)

I guys! Its me! Lidali! Sevalbar's little sister!
My brother let me write this post!
And i go write about I finding sensei! First, we do a run!

Them we vanish!
And then sensei has vanish! And, bye bye sensei!

Then I have note a little bug when sensei go out:

Thats no mather! The important is get the sensei stamp!

And get the new pin!

Ups! New field-ops!
What is now?

Ok! Lets go!

Now the minigame!

Yuppy! Another Field-ops solved!
I hope you have like my post!
ASS: Lidali ; )

I have found a french sensei!

I have found sensei! Look! He speek french!

His new playercard is realy cool!

I'm more fast thank you sensei! Ge rapid!

Lets do fire! With concentration!

Bonjuor Stralis33! Welcome!

Well, bye sensei! I have to go!
Ups! Au revoir Sensei!

New newspaper look!

Club Penguin has re-did and re-designed the entire newspaper! Here is what is happening in Club Penguin this week. Use your mouse to scroll down to the newspaper. Check out all the pages!

Upcoming Events:

  • New Post Cards (Starting Now)
  • Water Dojo Construction (Finished November 25)
  • Card Jistu Water (Starting November 25)
  • New Pin (December 3)

Aunt Arctic and everyone likes the new look of the new newspaper. They also say the new newspaper will be delivered every Friday.

What do you think of the brand new Club Penguin Times? I prefer the old look!

New Card-Jitsu-Water video!

Let's go watch!

Rain fun!

During the rain, I have see my friend Je45rry:
Lets do a sled race! I hope don't get sick!

Let's start!

I have won!
Only one time, Je45rry has win twice!

Lets go relax...

Look! I have found my horse!

You have to go now Je45rry? Ok, goodbye!

Water dojo party! (all in the tour guide!)

The storm has gone! And new  stamps are there!
                                                             I go earn all in a tour guide!
                                                               Lets start by the Dock!

Lets continue foling the tube!
To the Town!

I must fix this to earn the Contruction Stamp!
Let's continue! To the Snow Forts!

Free buckets! Lets continue to plaza!

Now the Forest!

Now the underground rooms!
Under the Disco!

Now the pool, but is more cool swim in the pool!

Look! On mine we have fishes!

Lets go enter!

Ho! Nice mashines!

Ho! I almost forget! The Water Hunt!

Start by the Stadium:

Now the Coffee Shop:

I have to get the fish to? Poor fish!

The Cove water bottle!

Now the Book Room!

On the Louge:

The Beach bucket:

Now the Dojo fish!

Evething is now!

Now earn the background!
Lets continue...
Lets go see the Dojo:

Ninja Hiddeot:

And finnaly...
...the Water Dojo!

Realy cool!
By the way! There is a new at Stage:

All new stamps earned! I hope you have enjoied!