
sábado, 30 de outubro de 2010

Search an fond Gary!

Today I planed a plan to see Gary on server Bobsled!
The plan is:
Stand in forest hiding...
Search some hidings...
...without spiders!

If possible no enter again in the dark chamber!
But if I what to find gary...
...I supose I have to enter!

And if possible, find the true Gary!

Search on other room!
But I don't go use teleport again!
...ok... let's go to the Hauted House!
: ) Gary is on haunted House! I'm so happy! : )

Her some fotos of Gary!

He send likes my exprients!
But everithing have a end...

Goodbye Gary!
See you on other party!

New Club Penguin Halloween Homepage

Today is the Halloween Party and there is a new homepage for this occasion!halloween party
And the new start screen to!
Ho! And a new Field-ops!
Or a call!

The journal about halloween!

Club Penguin have released Issue #263 of the Club Penguin Times this morning. The front cover explains what’s in this week’s issue. The main part of course, the Halloween party, and also the Igloo contest winners.

The first page talks about the Halloween party and for those new to Club Penguin, how to hunt for candy. It also mentions that there will be a Haunted House and a place called the Dark Chamber. This all sounds very spooky and fun.

The following page shows you what’s happening around the island and where. The famous Night of the Living Sled play is back at the Lighthouse, and there’s a costume show at the Ski Village and a Haunted House and Dark Chamber in the Forest.

The following page has the Igloo contest winners, you can click on a small thumbnail to bring up a larger picture on the right page. There’s also a list of runners up below. But, don’t worry if your igloo didn’t make Club Penguin’s list this week, there’s more next week, too!

The following pages contain Ask Aunt Arctic, this week’s ‘Secret Revealed’ and some jokes and puzzles. Now, here are the upcoming things on Club Penguin over the next few weeks.

Well, that’s all for this week’s newspaper. Sorry for not posting in a while.

The halloween adventure!

Today I decide go to the Dark Chamber! Well...
No! Or...
Ok...I go...
...This is not creeper! I love music! Music open the gate!
And the gate open : )

I will play some melodies before go out of this room!

Ok... this is realy dark! This light can help!

Creeper things!

Poor puffles! Here in the dark! Come with me!
This is a... dead penguin? I not go stand here!

Ok! Out of here!
What is THAT?!?!
A giant spider? I hake spiders!
Finaly I go out of here!

Nice lab! And cool candys!

This place is perfect for mummys...
...not for me!

This is a fantastic lab!

This is a perfect hiding!

Pickup some candys! I love chocolates! And lolipops to!

I will sit a little bit! Thanks for the wind bats!

Its time to go!
This was good! But I go back home!

...this is the Hauted House! I don't whant to go here!

What is that briliant spheres?

...that picture...that pumpinks...

What is THAT?!?!
Instruments lound alone?

Lets back to the lab!
Wurry! The door!

Not this!

Not this!

Ho cmon!

Bats? No! I WHANT TO BACK!!!!

That pumpkin block the door! I have to found other way to get out!

That statue is realy creeper!
Lets see upstairs!

That picture is loking everitime for me! I pickup that costume and get out by the window!
I don't belive I have been there!

That place is creeper!
I go investigate...
...but on other time!

sexta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2010

Halloween is here!

Look to the pictures and try to find candys!

Candy up!

One more candy!

Pumpink candy!


Mmm! Delicious!

I hope you like!
There a candy under!
...who eats mullet?
Get the free...
...get the candy!
And be on! The Hauted House and the Dark Chamber adventures is now!
I hope everyone enjoy the Halloween!